Eurex Market Making Agreement | Apemag

Eurex Market Making Agreement

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Eurex Market Making Agreement

Eurex Market Making Agreement: Understanding the Basics

Eurex is a European exchange that offers a wide range of financial derivatives such as futures and options. As with any exchange, the Eurex market requires liquidity, which is where market makers come in. Market makers play a crucial role in providing liquidity to the exchange by buying and selling securities at prices that are close to the market price. The Eurex market making agreement is a contract between the exchange and a market maker which outlines the terms and conditions of their relationship.

Market Making Basics

Market making is a specialized activity that requires firms to make continuous quotes for buying and selling of securities to provide liquidity to the market. By doing so, market makers facilitate trades and help to ensure that prices stay close to their fair value. Market makers can be individual traders, or they can be part of a larger firm that employs multiple traders. In exchange for their services, market makers earn a profit by taking advantage of the difference between the buying and selling prices they offer.

Eurex and Market Making

Eurex provides a regulated market for financial derivatives, including futures and options. As such, the exchange requires a level of liquidity from market makers to ensure that there is a depth of buyers and sellers and that prices are stable. In order to encourage market makers to operate on their platform, Eurex offers incentives such as reduced fees and access to privileged trading information. These incentives are outlined in the Eurex market making agreement, which is a legally binding contract between the exchange and the market maker.

The Eurex Market Making Agreement

The Eurex market making agreement is an essential document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both the exchange and the market maker. It specifies the obligations that the market maker must fulfil, including the provision of quotes for buy and sell orders. The agreement also outlines the incentives that the exchange will provide to the market maker, including reduced fees and access to privileged information.

The Eurex market making agreement is a legal contract, and as such, it is essential to ensure that all parties understand its provisions fully. The agreement will typically include clauses related to termination and dispute resolution. These clauses are crucial because they ensure that both parties can exit the agreement if necessary and that any disagreements can be resolved in a timely and efficient manner.


Market makers play a crucial role in providing liquidity to financial markets. The Eurex market making agreement is an essential document that outlines the rights and obligations of both Eurex and the market maker. By understanding the basics of market making and the Eurex market making agreement, traders can ensure that they are optimally positioned to take advantage of the opportunities available on the exchange.

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