How Does an Energy Performance Contract Work | Apemag

How Does an Energy Performance Contract Work

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13 enero, 2023

How Does an Energy Performance Contract Work

As energy costs continue to rise, businesses and organizations are looking for ways to reduce their energy expenses without sacrificing productivity. One solution that has gained popularity in recent years is an energy performance contract (EPC).

An EPC is a contract between a client and an energy service company (ESCO) that guarantees energy savings. The ESCO will identify and implement energy-saving measures and upgrades, and the client will pay for these services through the savings generated from reduced energy consumption.

Here’s how it works:

1. Energy Audit: The first step in an EPC is for the ESCO to conduct an energy audit. This audit identifies the energy-saving opportunities and potential improvements to energy efficiency. The audit will also establish a baseline of energy consumption, which will be used to determine the savings generated by the EPC.

2. Energy-Saving Measures: Once the audit is completed, the ESCO will recommend energy-saving measures, such as upgrading lighting and HVAC systems or installing renewable energy sources. These measures will be designed to generate energy savings that will pay for the cost of the upgrades.

3. Project Implementation: The ESCO will then implement the energy-saving measures as outlined in the contract. This may include replacing equipment or retrofitting existing systems to improve energy efficiency.

4. Measurement and Verification: The energy savings generated by the EPC will be measured and verified to ensure that they meet the targets outlined in the contract. This is usually done over a specific period of time, such as one year.

5. Financing: The cost of the upgrades and services provided by the ESCO will be financed through the savings generated by reduced energy consumption. This means that the client will not have to pay any upfront costs for the upgrades.

6. Guarantee: The ESCO will provide a savings guarantee, which ensures that the client will achieve the energy savings outlined in the contract. If the energy savings fall short, the ESCO will cover the difference.

Overall, an energy performance contract is a great way for businesses and organizations to reduce their energy expenses without sacrificing productivity. By partnering with an ESCO and implementing energy-saving measures, clients can save money on their energy bills and make a positive impact on the environment.

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